
how to succeed all over the place

Poor Anthony has the stomach flu. Let me tell you a little something about our Anthony.  He hates to vomit...he even banned me from saying the word, he hates it so much.  He gets it from me.  I haven't done any know what since 2001.  Yes I am proud of that.  Irene took after Edgard and is the "anything to make you feel better" camp of thinking.   But back to Anthony....  Edgard and I thought we would give him some activated charcoal to help him along, considering he is literally willing himself not to upchuck. We had to break the pill open in water because he doesn't do the whole pill swallowing thing well either. He took one gulp and it grossed him out so much he vomi...well... let's just say it was a very successful venture.  He successed and successed.  He successed into the garbage and successed into the toilet.  Anthony is now clutching his gatorade to his chest as we wanders around the house humming. He feels better but is so chalky, he alm

a long yarn

It's that time.. . again!   Christmas knitting time.  In fact, I am a little late in starting.  I have one husband, two kids, a mom and dad, two sisters, a niece and two friends to knit for... Ok now I am tired. Yikes.  I really have no idea what to make for all those people.  It would be easier to offend them and make them go away.   Don't worry... I'd say sorry January first.   Probably not a good idea. Oh well. At least I know what to do for my dad...I will just finish the scarf I started knitting for him last Christmas.  Won't he be surprised.... ....that I finished it.  In my defense it is 21,000 monotonous stitches.  It is a pattern from WWI. The kind of pattern you knitted and then sent to your men at the front.  It was part of that whole " knit your bit " campaign started in WWI and made popular in WWII.  The pattern calls for wool but I am doing superwash merino wool which means that there is no shrinky or scratchy.  It's a soft charco

feliz birthdayo

It is Irene's 4th birthday today.   So far she is still cute so that is good.   I suspect that one of these birthday we will wake up to realize she is all arms and legs and very klutzy like her mom.   But for now she is still cute---so we celebrate.

turkey with a side of nuts

Just in case you were all in doubt about the level to which we have twisted our children.... I offer you Anthony's homemade thanksgiving day card... So have a happy Thancksgiving and remember to be thanck full because you never know what is lurking right behind you.

the bean crop

I am taking the opportunity to show off the kiddos in their Halloween costumes because they rarely look this cute on a daily basis. *sigh* As you can see Anthony is taking his roll as knight, and protector of princess Irene, very seriously. Well--he started taking it more seriously after I told him to stop slaying his sister with his sword. Irene was protecting herself of course, but it was still disconcerting to see such a sweet princess cold cocking a knight... After that little interlude, we went to our church's harvest party and the kids had too much candy--and it instantly put them to sleep like sugar always does... er wait...? The reality was that after they got home they bounced around like mexican jumping beans---not as high as daddy though, because they are only half mexican but still enough to drive us both crazy. I hope you all had a great Halloween and I hope you are %100 more ready than I am for the upcoming holidays.

9 months of rain!

See my water rats? When you live in rainy Oregon where you get nine months of just have to make do. I remember my days as a puddle jumper. Those were the best times to play. Heck with those boring sunny days...

film cheese

Do you have a favorite cheesy movie...? When I say cheesy movie, I mean so dorky you don't like to admit to people that you like it. It probably is one that you watched as a child before you had the ability to discern bad acting, terrible special effects, impossible 1960's hairstyles, etc. I personally have two... The first is Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) . I think the acting is good in this movie but the special effects are laughable by todays standards. A really good part, though is the score by Bernard Herrmann ---this guy lends an ominous tone to any movie. But the embarrassing fact is, that when I used to watch it as a child, I had a huge crush on Pat Boone. Yes I said Pat Boone....but this Pat Boone not that Pat Boone . When I grew up I developed a (still-going) crush on James Mason ....maturity has its advantages. My second movie is Jason and the Argonauts (1963) . The acting is touch and go, but the special effects---done by Ray Harryhausen and t