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Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Cure

Channeling Robert Smith at my house.....


  1. Rachel, thanks for the note on my blog (Eclexia). It made my week.

    Cute kid.

  2. Thanks wd. I really do enjoy your blog...Thanks for all the laughs. I seriously can't believe how in-depth you go. You seem to really think through everything. I am going to put a link for your blog up on mine. That is, if you think that you can handle that kind of traffic. I have a very faithful readership. Well, I do if my mom is still reading, anyway. I don't even really know how long I will have her for...even mom's have their limits!

  3. I have a Robert Smith at my house...a little taller, and no eyes. Want to do a trade??

  4. No way ....we are not set up for teenagerdom at this house!!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It's been more than 3 days! I dunno, can you even keep up with me and my days as a blogger>?

  6. ....that is still up for debate, brown eyed girl. You lasted for 6 months...that is a tough act to follow for someone whose only real passion is to procrastinate about procrastination!!! We shall see...but if you see me nearing the six month had best get back in the saddle!


from the peanut gallery